
Lives in: pygamer.surfacemesh

SurfaceMesh.addVertex(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. addVertex(self: pygamer.surfacemesh.SurfaceMesh, data: pygamer.surfacemesh.Vertex) -> int

    Add a vertex to the mesh without specifying the key.


    int: Key value of the new vertex.

  2. addVertex(self: pygamer.surfacemesh.SurfaceMesh, x: float = 0, y: float = 0, z: float = 0, marker: int = -1, selected: bool = False) -> None

    Add a vertex to the mesh without specifying the key.


    x (float): X position. y (float): Y position. z (float): Z position. marker (int): Marker value. selected (bool): Selection status.


    int: Name of the new vertex.